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Hdac Technology AG

Hdac Technology AG is building the future with the Blockchain solution. we are creating a more innovative future.
We believe that the future digital world will include the Hdac Platform as a highly reliable blockchain network
that can conveniently utilize the services of the world’s numerous IoT devices.
It is said that “the currency of the new economy is trust,” and so it is paramount that new technologies be built on trust. 
The Hdac Platform will be a key tool for implementing a more reasonable and efficient transaction system as the worlds of blockchain and IoT converge.
of blockchain and IoT converge.
The technological philosophy underpinning Hdac is to dramatically improve M2M transaction environments daily: all transactions should be seamless and easy. 
In addition, we believe it will be possible to promote reasonable consumption and accurate management for all communication and utility expenditures using our technology.
Hdac Technology AG’s mission is to create a frictionless experience for all transactions using blockchain technology
by improving current services and concepts as well as building new ways blockchain technology can improve our lives.